


Automation Framework

  • Selenium

    Run tests on our Selenium grid, over 5200 browser combinations.

  • Appium

    Run Appium tests on physical devices and simulators/emulators. Test native, hybrid and webapps concurrently.

  • Cypress

    Cypress Testing in the Cloud. Run Cypress tests on macOS and Windows 10.

  • Puppeteer

    Testing with Puppeteer in the cloud.

  • Playwright

    Testing with Playwright in the cloud.

  • Espresso

    Automated Mobile App testing with Espresso on Android.

  • XCUITest

    Automated testing on iOS with XCUITest.

  • Maestro Testing

    Automated testing on iOS and Android with Maestro.

Project Management

  • Slack

    Adds a Slack bot which will notify you when a test finishes, succeeds or fails.
    Adds custom commands to fetch test details and analytics.

  • Jira

    Create issues in Atlassian Jira with test meta-data and assets from TestingBot.

  • Bugsnag

    Create an issue, with details and a screenshot in Bugsnag.

  • ZebRunner

    Zebrunner offers test management with smart analysis of test results.


  • TeamCity

    TeamCity plugin for this build management/CI system created by Jetbrains.
    Integrate TestingBot inside TeamCity.

  • Jenkins

    Jenkins Plugin which integrates TestingBot in Jenkins CI. Pipeline + test asset/tunnel support.

  • Bamboo

    Bamboo Plugin to integrate TestingBot tests in Atlassian Bamboo.

  • Azure Devops

    Integrate TestingBot test details in Azure Devops (VSTS).

  • CircleCI

    Integrate TestingBot with CircleCI.

  • Bitbucket Pipelines

    Integrate TestingBot with Bitbucket Pipelines.

  • Gitlab

    Integrate TestingBot with GitLab.

  • Travis CI

    Integrate TestingBot with Travis CI.

  • GitHub Action

    Launch your TestingBot tests directly from GitHub Action workflows.

  • Bitrise mobile app testing

    Integrate with Bitrise with TestingBot Mobile App Testing.

Record and Playback

  • Selenium IDE

    Record tests with the Selenium IDE browser extension.
    Import the tests in our TestLab and run on any browser/schedule.

  • Katalon Studio

    Record tests with Katalon Studio and run these on TestingBot.

  • Oxygen IDE

    Record and playback tests with Oxygen IDE.

  • Ranorex Studio

    Record tests with Ranorex Studio and run on TestingBot.

  • Cerberus Test Integration

    Run tests created with Cerberus on TestingBot

  • Tricentis Tosca Integration

    Run tests created with Tricentis Tosca on TestingBot

App Distribution

  • Microsoft App Center

    Test your mobile apps, distributed using Microsoft App Center, on our Real Device Cloud.